[New Years Resolutions][Yeah, It’s That Time of Year]


Yes, it’s that time of year and it’s, yet again, being shoved down our throats. The message that we need to improve ourselves is a good one to have. We can always be healthier, work harder in our careers and towards our dreams, and form better opinions about our personal image. What is detrimental though, is media images and campaigns telling us we’re not good enough… yet.

There are aspects of everyone’s life that they are comfortable with, happy with, and see no need in changing anything. It’s only when others and media tell us what we’re happy with is wrong or not ideal. I think we need to reevaluate the traditional New Years Resolutions we commonly pledge to accomplish.

Don’t resolve to be thin(ner), make changes in your lifestyle to become healthier. Don’t struggle in your job to earn more income, find what makes you passionate in your employment and succeed in earning more than just money. Don’t think of your life as incomplete, find what interests you and pursue it for your own happiness.

Personally, I want to find ways to motivate myself to pursue my career in writing and beginning a new career path to support myself and my writing. I love lists, so I think I’ll list a few things here I want to accomplish on a monthly basis. Throughout the year, I’m going to keep myself accountable for what I have and have not accomplished.

Each month/over the year I want to accomplish:

  • Write and Post on The Uncanny Sublime, at least, 20 poems
  • Complete my ongoing chronicle, Rollick the Assassin by December 2015
  • Post Rollick the Assassin parts twice a month
  • Each month, edit and revise my short story collection

And of course,

  • Write because I love it

We all have aspirations and desires in our lives, and I think we need to work towards gaining them. I think 2015 is a good time to start for a lot of us.

[Poem][Be Me]


Be Me

I push and pull and wonder what could have happened

If I had a different route I was younger

What would I be now if I didn’t pick up a pen and start to write?

Would I have become an actor?

Would I have become a scientist?

Would I have become someone successful young?

Would I have become a complete failure?

Would I like the other me more than me now?

But I guess if I was the other me, I wouldn’t know this me

Would I then wish I was different?

Would I like myself more or less than I do now?

Would I really be me?